Here are some great tips for starting your ecommerce website and it these will help you to get your website up and running.
1. You will need to register a domain name for your ecommerce website and then select a website designer, software to run your website and a hosting provider.
2. Select the right url for your ecommerce website.
3. Get a fantastic ecommerce website design & layout and also make sure that it has a mobile friendly version.
4. Make sure that the software you choose has the features that you require to run your website and make sure that it includes search engine optimization.
5. Carefully choose the companies that will provide the website and hosting services and make sure that they are good to work with and provide great service and support.
6. You will need to organize the content that you will publish on the website eg about us, terms and conditions, payment & shipping options etc.
7. Product information and images will need to be organized.
8. Choose the shipping and payment options that you will you offer your clients.
9. Social networking – will you want to link to social networking and if so which ones will you use and how will they be used.
10. Marketing – how will you market and advertise your website once its live.
11. Order fullfilment, shipping and after sales service needs to be planned.
Your ecommerce website is a very important part of your business and it pays to spend sufficient time and money to produce a great website.